Chapter 17 – Wave Motion
A sonometer wire is divided into many segments using bridges. If fundamental natural frequencies of the segments are f1,f2f3,…. then the fundamental natural frequency of entire sonometer wire will be (if the divisions were not made)
A sonometer wire is divided into many segments using bridges. If fundamental natural frequencies of the segments are f1,f2f3,…. then the fundamental natural frequency of entire sonometer wire will be (if the divisions were not made) .... then the fundamental natural frequency of entire sonometer wire will be (if the divisions were not made) A [...]
A sonometer wire of length 1.5 m is made of steal. The tension in it produces an elastic strain of 1%. What is the fundamental frequency of density? elasticity of steel are 7.7×103kg/m3and2.2×1011N/m2 respectively?
A sonometer wire of length 1.5 m is made of steal. The tension in it produces an elastic strain of 1%. What is the fundamental frequency of density? elasticity of steel are 7.7×103kg/m3and2.2×1011N/m2 respectively? Two progressive wave are represented by the following equations ..y1=10sin2π(10t−0.1x) and y2=20sin2π(20t−0.2x). Find the ratio of their intensities November 12, 2020 [...]
A steel wire of length 503‾√cm is connected to an aluminium wire of length 60cm and stretched between two fixed supports. The tension produced is 104N , if the cross section area of each wire is 1mm2 . If a transverse wave is set up in the wire, find the lowest frequency for which standing waves with node at the joint are produced . (density of aluminimum =2.6gm/cm3 and density of steel =7.8gm/cm3 ). is connected to an aluminium wire of length 60cm and stretched between two fixed supports. The tension produced is 104N , if the cross section area of each wire is 1mm2 . If a transverse wave is set up in the wire, find the lowest frequency for which standing waves with node at the joint are produced . (density of aluminimum =2.6gm/cm3 and density of steel =7.8gm/cm3 ).
A steel wire of length 503‾√cm is connected to an aluminium wire of length 60cm and stretched between two fixed supports. The tension produced is 104N , if the cross section area of each wire is 1mm2 . If a transverse wave is set up in the wire, find the lowest frequency for which standing [...]
A steel wire of length 503‾√cm is connected to an aluminium wire of length 60cm and stretched between two fixed supports. The tension produced is 104N ,
if the cross section area of each wire is 1mm2 . If a transverse wave is set up in the wire ,
Two progressive wave are represented by the following equations ..y1=10sin2π(10t−0.1x) and y2=20sin2π(20t−0.2x). Find the ratio of their intensities ,
A steel wire of length 60 cm and area of cross section 10−6 m2 is joined with an aluminium wire of length 45 cm and area of cross section 3×10−6 m2. The composite string is stretched by a tension of 80 N. Density of steel is 7800 kg m−3 and that of aluminium is 2600 kg m−3. The minimum frequency of tuning fork, which can produce standing wave in it with node at the joint is
A steel wire of length 60 cm and area of cross section 10−6 m2 is joined with an aluminium wire of length 45 cm and area of cross section 3×10−6 m2. The composite string is stretched by a tension of 80 N. Density of steel is 7800 kg m−3 and that of aluminium is 2600 [...]
Two progressive wave are represented by the following equations ..y1=10sin2π(10t−0.1x) and y2=20sin2π(20t−0.2x). Find the ratio of their intensities
Two progressive wave are represented by the following equations ..y1=10sin2π(10t−0.1x) and y2=20sin2π(20t−0.2x). Find the ratio of their intensities Two progressive wave are represented by the following equations ..y1=10sin2π(10t−0.1x) and y2=20sin2π(20t−0.2x). Find the ratio of their intensities November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 17 - Wave Motion , MTG NEET Physics , Part 1 ,
The phase velocity of a wave decribed by the equation ψ=ψosin(kx+ωt+π/2) is?
The phase velocity of a wave decribed by the equation ψ=ψosin(kx+ωt+π/2) is? The phase velocity of a wave decribed by the equation ψ=ψosin(kx+ωt+π/2) is? November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 17 - Wave Motion , MTG NEET Physics , Part 1 ,
Two waves of the same kind and of the same amplitutde A superpose at a point with a phase difference of ϕ between them.Find the resultant amplitude(R)
Two waves of the same kind and of the same amplitutde A superpose at a point with a phase difference of ϕ between them.Find the resultant amplitude(R) Two waves of the same kind and of the same amplitutde A superpose at a point with a phase difference of ϕ between them.Find the resultant amplitude(R) November [...]
A metal wire with volume density ρ and young’s modulus Y is stretched between rigid supports. At temperature T , the speed of a transverse wave is found to be v1 . When temperature decreases T−ΔT , the speed increases to v2 . The coefficient of linear expansion of wire.
A metal wire with volume density ρ and young’s modulus Y is stretched between rigid supports. At temperature T , the speed of a transverse wave is found to be v1 . When temperature decreases T−ΔT , the speed increases to v2 . The coefficient of linear expansion of wire. A metal wire with volume [...]
Figure shows a string of linear mass density 1.0gcm−1 on which a wave pulse is travelling. Find the time taken by pulse in travelling through a distance of 50cm on the string. Take g=10ms−2
Figure shows a string of linear mass density 1.0gcm−1 on which a wave pulse is travelling. Find the time taken by pulse in travelling through a distance of 50cm on the string. Take g=10ms−2 Figure shows a string of linear mass density 1.0gcm−1 on which a wave pulse is travelling. Find the time taken by [...]
In the figure the string has a mass 4.5 g. How much time will it take for a transverse disturbance produced at the floor to reach the pulley? (Take g=10 ms−2)
In the figure the string has a mass 4.5 g. How much time will it take for a transverse disturbance produced at the floor to reach the pulley? (Take g=10 ms−2) In the figure the string has a mass 4.5 g. How much time will it take for a transverse disturbance produced at the floor [...]