Practice Set 1
A beam of protons with speed 4 × 10^5 ms–1 enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T at an angle of 60° to the magnetic field. The pitch of the resulting helical path of protons is close to (Mass of the proton = 1.67 × 10^–27 kg, charge of the proton = 1.69 × 10^–19 C)
A beam of protons with speed 4 × 10^5 ms–1 enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T at an angle of 60° to the magnetic field. The pitch of the resulting helical path of protons is close to (Mass of the proton = 1.67 × 10^–27 kg, charge of the proton = 1.69 × [...]
An amplitude modulated wave is represented by the expression vm = 5(1 + 0.6cos6280t) sin(211 × 10^4t) volts. The minimum and maximum amplitudes of the amplitude modulated wave are, respectively :
An amplitude modulated wave is represented by the expression vm = 5(1 + 0.6cos6280t) sin(211 × 10^4t) volts. The minimum and maximum amplitudes of the amplitude modulated wave are, respectively : An amplitude modulated wave is represented by the expression vm = 5(1 + 0.6cos6280t) sin(211 × 10^4t) volts. The minimum and maximum amplitudes of [...]
The least count of the main scale of a vernier callipers is 1 mm. Its vernier scale is divided into 10 divisions and coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale. When jaws are touching each other, the 7th division of vernier scale coincides with a division of main scale and the zero of vernier scale is lying right side of the zero of main scale. When this vernier is used to measure length of a cylinder the zero of the vernier scale between 3.1 cm and 3.2 cm and 4th VSD coincides with a main scale division. The length of the cylinder is (VSD is vernier scale division)
The least count of the main scale of a vernier callipers is 1 mm. Its vernier scale is divided into 10 divisions and coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale. When jaws are touching each other, the 7th division of vernier scale coincides with a division of main scale and the zero of vernier [...]
A gas mixture consists of 3 moles of oxygen and 5 moles of argon at temperature t. Assuming the gases to be ideal and the oxygen bond to be rigid ,
The least count of the main scale of a vernier callipers is 1 mm. Its vernier scale is divided into 10 divisions and coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale. When jaws are touching each other ,
the total internal energy of the mixture is ,
A plane electromagnetic wave, has frequency of 2.0 × 10^10 Hz and its energy density is 1.02 × 10^–8 J/m^3 in vacuum. The amplitude of the magnetic field of the wave is close to ( take, 1/4πε0 = 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2 and speed of light = 3 × 10^8 ms–1)
A plane electromagnetic wave, has frequency of 2.0 × 10^10 Hz and its energy density is 1.02 × 10^–8 J/m^3 in vacuum. The amplitude of the magnetic field of the wave is close to ( take, 1/4πε0 = 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2 and speed of light = 3 × 10^8 ms–1) 1/4πε0 = 9 x [...]
Magnetic materials used for making permanent magnets (P) and magnets in a transformer (T) have different properties of the following, which property best matches for the type of magnet required?
Magnetic materials used for making permanent magnets (P) and magnets in a transformer (T) have different properties of the following, which property best matches for the type of magnet required? Magnetic materials used for making permanent magnets (P) and magnets in a transformer (T) have different properties of the following which property best matches for [...]
Train A and train B are running on parallel tracks in the opposite directions with speeds of 36 km/hour and 72 km/hour, respectively. A person is walking in train A in the direction opposite to its motion with a speed of 1.8 km/ hour. Speed (in ms–1) of this person as observed from train B will be close to : (take the distance between the tracks as negligible)
Train A and train B are running on parallel tracks in the opposite directions with speeds of 36 km/hour and 72 km/hour, respectively. A person is walking in train A in the direction opposite to its motion with a speed of 1.8 km/ hour. Speed (in ms–1) of this person as observed from train B [...]
A gas mixture consists of 3 moles of oxygen and 5 moles of argon at temperature t. Assuming the gases to be ideal and the oxygen bond to be rigid ,
the total internal energy of the mixture is ,
Train A and train B are running on parallel tracks in the opposite directions with speeds of 36 km/hour and 72 km/hour ,
A uniform cylinder of mass M and radius R is to be pulled over a step of height a (a < R) by applying a force F at its centre ‘O’ perpendicular to the plane through the axes of the cylinder on the edge of the step (see figure). The minimum value of F required is
A uniform cylinder of mass M and radius R is to be pulled over a step of height a (a
Interference fringes are observed on a screen by illuminating two thin slits 1 mm apart with a light source (λ = 632.8 nm). The distance between the screen and the slits is 100 cm. If a bright fringe is observed on a screen at a distance of 1.27 mm from the central bright fringe, then the path difference between the waves, which are reaching this point from the slits is close is
Interference fringes are observed on a screen by illuminating two thin slits 1 mm apart with a light source (λ = 632.8 nm). The distance between the screen and the slits is 100 cm. If a bright fringe is observed on a screen at a distance of 1.27 mm from the central bright fringe, then [...]
Shown in the figure is rigid and uniform one meter long rod AB held in horizontal position by two strings tied to its ends and attached to the ceiling. The rod is of mass ‘m’ and has another weight of mass 2 m hung at a distance of 75 cm from A. The tension in the string at A is
Shown in the figure is rigid and uniform one meter long rod AB held in horizontal position by two strings tied to its ends and attached to the ceiling. The rod is of mass ‘m’ and has another weight of mass 2 m hung at a distance of 75 cm from A. The tension in [...]
In a reactor, 2 kg of 92U235 fuel is fully used up in 30 days. The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Given that the Avogadro number,
In a reactor, 2 kg of 92U235 fuel is fully used up in 30 days. The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Given that the Avogadro number, 2 kg of 92U235 fuel is fully used up in 30 days. The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Given that the Avogadro number In a [...]