Practice Set 1
Two charged thin infinite plane sheets of uniform surface charge density σ+ and σ–, where |σ+| > |σ–|, intersect at right angle. Which of the following best represents the electric field lines for this system?
Two charged thin infinite plane sheets of uniform surface charge density σ+ and σ–, where |σ+| > |σ–|, intersect at right angle. Which of the following best represents the electric field lines for this system? intersect at right angle. Which of the following best represents the electric field lines for this system? Two charged thin [...]
A small bar magnet is moved through a coil at constant speed from one end to the other. Which of the following series of observations will be seen on the galvanometer G attached across the coil? Three positions shown describe : (a) the magnet’s entry (b) magnet is completely inside and (c) magnet’s exit.
A small bar magnet is moved through a coil at constant speed from one end to the other. Which of the following series of observations will be seen on the galvanometer G attached across the coil? Three positions shown describe : (a) the magnet’s entry (b) magnet is completely inside and (c) magnet’s exit. A [...]
A small bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with an external field of 0.06 T experiences a torque of 0.018 Nm. The minimum work required to rotate it from its stable to unstable equilibrium position is
A small bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with an external field of 0.06 T experiences a torque of 0.018 Nm. The minimum work required to rotate it from its stable to unstable equilibrium position is A balloon filled with helium (32°C and 1.7 atm.) bursts. Immediately afterwards the expansion of helium can [...]
A two point charges 4q and –q are fixed on the x-axis at x = -d /2 and x = d/2, respectively. If a third point charge ‘q’ is taken from the origin to x = d along the semicircle as shown in the figure, the energy of the charge will
A two point charges 4q and –q are fixed on the x-axis at x = -d /2 and x = d/2, respectively. If a third point charge ‘q’ is taken from the origin to x = d along the semicircle as shown in the figure, the energy of the charge will A two point charges [...]
A beam of plane polarised light of large cross-sectional area and uniform intensity of 3.3 Wm^–2 falls normally on a polariser (cross sectional area 3 × 10^–4 m^2) which rotates about its axis with an angular speed of 31.4 rad/s. The energy of light passing through the polariser per revolution, is close to
A beam of plane polarised light of large cross-sectional area and uniform intensity of 3.3 Wm^–2 falls normally on a polariser (cross sectional area 3 × 10^–4 m^2) which rotates about its axis with an angular speed of 31.4 rad/s. The energy of light passing through the polariser per revolution, is close to A balloon [...]
When an object is kept at a distance of 30cm from a concave mirror, the image is formed at a distance of 10 cm. If the object is moved with a speed of 9cm s^(-1) the speed with which the image moves at that instant is
When an object is kept at a distance of 30cm from a concave mirror, the image is formed at a distance of 10 cm. If the object is moved with a speed of 9cm s^(-1) the speed with which the image moves at that instant is the image is formed at a distance of 10 [...]
An massless equilateral triangle EFG of side ‘a’ (As shown in figure) has three particles of mass m situated at its vertices. The moment of inertia of the system about the line EX perpendicular to EG in the plane of EFG is N/20(ma^2) where N is an integer. The value of N is _________.
An massless equilateral triangle EFG of side ‘a’ (As shown in figure) has three particles of mass m situated at its vertices. The moment of inertia of the system about the line EX perpendicular to EG in the plane of EFG is N/20(ma^2) where N is an integer. The value of N is _________. A [...]
If minimum possible work is done by a refrigerator in converting 100 grams of water at 0°C to ice, how much heat (in calories) is released to the surroundings at temperature 27°C (Latent heat of ice = 80 Cal/gram) to the nearest integer ?
If minimum possible work is done by a refrigerator in converting 100 grams of water at 0°C to ice, how much heat (in calories) is released to the surroundings at temperature 27°C (Latent heat of ice = 80 Cal/gram) to the nearest integer ? how much heat (in calories) is released to the surroundings at [...]
A block starts moving up an inclined plane of inclination 30° with an initial velocity of v0. It comes back to its initial position with velocity v0/2 .he value of the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the inclined plane is close to I / 1000 . The nearest integer to I is _________.
A block starts moving up an inclined plane of inclination 30° with an initial velocity of v0. It comes back to its initial position with velocity v0/2 .he value of the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the inclined plane is close to I / 1000 . The nearest integer to I is [...]
A galvanometer coil has 500 turns and each turn has an average area of 3 × 10^–4 m^2. If a torque of 1.5 Nm is required to keep this coil parallel to a magnetic field when a current of 0.5 A is flowing through it, the strength of the field (in T) is __________.
A galvanometer coil has 500 turns and each turn has an average area of 3 × 10^–4 m^2. If a torque of 1.5 Nm is required to keep this coil parallel to a magnetic field when a current of 0.5 A is flowing through it, the strength of the field (in T) is __________. A [...]