Practice Set 1
A clock has a continuously moving second’s hand of 0.1 m length. The average acceleration of the tip of the hand (in units of ms^–2) is of the order of
A clock has a continuously moving second’s hand of 0.1 m length. The average acceleration of the tip of the hand (in units of ms^–2) is of the order of A clock has a continuously moving second’s hand of 0.1 m length. The average acceleration of the tip of the hand (in units of ms^–2) [...]
An electron, a doubly ionized helium ion (He++) and a proton are having the same kinetic energy. The relation between their respective de-Broglie wavelengths λe, λHe++ and λp is
An electron, a doubly ionized helium ion (He++) and a proton are having the same kinetic energy. The relation between their respective de-Broglie wavelengths λe, λHe++ and λp is a doubly ionized helium ion (He++) and a proton are having the same kinetic energy. The relation between their respective de-Broglie wavelengths λe An electron λHe++ [...]
A satellite is in an elliptical orbit around a planet P. It is observed that the velocity of the satellite when it is farthest from the planet is 6 times less than that when it is closest to the planet. The ratio of distances between the satellite and the planet at closest and farthest points is
A satellite is in an elliptical orbit around a planet P. It is observed that the velocity of the satellite when it is farthest from the planet is 6 times less than that when it is closest to the planet. The ratio of distances between the satellite and the planet at closest and farthest points [...]
An insect is at the bottom of a hemispherical ditch of radius 1 m. It crawls up the ditch but starts slipping after it is at height h from the bottom. If the coefficient of friction between the ground and the insect is 0.75, then h is (g = 10 ms^-2)
An insect is at the bottom of a hemispherical ditch of radius 1 m. It crawls up the ditch but starts slipping after it is at height h from the bottom. If the coefficient of friction between the ground and the insect is 0.75, then h is (g = 10 ms^-2) The correct match between [...]
A particle of charge q and mass m is moving with a velocity -v ^i(v≠0) towards a large screen placed in the YZ-plane at a distance d. If there is a magnetic field B = B0 ^ k, the minimum value of v for which the particle will not hit the screen is
A particle of charge q and mass m is moving with a velocity -v ^i(v≠0) towards a large screen placed in the YZ-plane at a distance d. If there is a magnetic field B = B0 ^ k, the minimum value of v for which the particle will not hit the screen is A particle [...]
For the given input voltage waveform Vin(t), the output voltage waveform Vout (t), across the capacitor is correctly depicted by
For the given input voltage waveform Vin(t), the output voltage waveform Vout (t), across the capacitor is correctly depicted by across the capacitor is correctly depicted by For the given input voltage waveform Vin(t) the output voltage waveform Vout (t) September 19, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions , Practice Set 1 [...]
Four point masses, each of mass m, are fixed at the corners of a square of side l. The square is rotating with angular frequency ω , about an axis passing through one of the corners of the square and parallel to its diagonal, as shown in the figure. The angular momentum of the square about this axis is
Four point masses, each of mass m, are fixed at the corners of a square of side l. The square is rotating with angular frequency ω , about an axis passing through one of the corners of the square and parallel to its diagonal, as shown in the figure. The angular momentum of the square [...]
about an axis passing through one of the corners of the square and parallel to its diagonal ,
are fixed at the corners of a square of side l. The square is rotating with angular frequency ω ,
as shown in the figure. The angular momentum of the square about this axis is ,
each of mass m ,
Four point masses ,
Charges Q1 and Q2 are at points A and B of a right angle triangle OAB (see figure). The resultant electric field at point O is perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then Q1/Q2 is proportional to
Charges Q1 and Q2 are at points A and B of a right angle triangle OAB (see figure). The resultant electric field at point O is perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then Q1/Q2 is proportional to Charges Q1 and Q2 are at points A and B of a right angle triangle OAB (see figure). The resultant [...]
An AC circuit has R = 100 Ω, C = 2μF and L = 80 mH, connected in series. The quality factor of the circuit is
An AC circuit has R = 100 Ω, C = 2μF and L = 80 mH, connected in series. The quality factor of the circuit is An AC circuit has R = 100 Ω C = 2μF and L = 80 mH connected in series. The quality factor of the circuit is September 19, 2021 [...]
If the potential energy between two molecules is given by U = – A/r^6 + B/r^12, then at equilibrium, separation between molecules, and the potential energy are
If the potential energy between two molecules is given by U = – A/r^6 + B/r^12, then at equilibrium, separation between molecules, and the potential energy are and the potential energy are If the potential energy between two molecules is given by U = - A/r^6 + B/r^12 separation between molecules then at equilibrium September [...]