Practice Set 1
Given the masses of various atomic particles mp = 1.0072 u, mn = 1.0087 u, me = 0.000548 u, m-v = 0, md = 2.0141 u where p ≡ proton, n ≡ neutron, e ≡ electron, ¯ v ≡ antineutrino and d ≡ deuteron. Which of the following process is allowed by momentum and energy conservation ?
Given the masses of various atomic particles mp = 1.0072 u, mn = 1.0087 u, me = 0.000548 u, m-v = 0, md = 2.0141 u where p ≡ proton, n ≡ neutron, e ≡ electron, ¯ v ≡ antineutrino and d ≡ deuteron. Which of the following process is allowed by momentum and energy [...]
When a car is at rest, its driver sees rain drops falling on it vertically. When driving the car with speed v , he sees that rain drops are coming at an angle 60° from the horizontal. On further increasing the speed of the car to (1 + β) v, this angle changes to 45°. The value of β is close to
When a car is at rest, its driver sees rain drops falling on it vertically. When driving the car with speed v , he sees that rain drops are coming at an angle 60° from the horizontal. On further increasing the speed of the car to (1 + β) v, this angle changes to 45°. [...]
he sees that rain drops are coming at an angle 60° from the horizontal. On further increasing the speed of the car to (1 + β) v ,
its driver sees rain drops falling on it vertically. When driving the car with speed v ,
this angle changes to 45°. The value of β is close to ,
When a car is at rest ,
Particle A of mass m1 moving with velocity ( √ 3 ^ i + ^ j ) ms^-1 collides with another particle B of mass m2 which is at rest initially. Let → V1 and V2 be the velocities of particles A and B after collision respectively. If m1 = 2m2 and after collision V1 = ( ^ i + √ 3 ^ j^) ms-1 the angle between V1 and V2 is
Particle A of mass m1 moving with velocity ( √ 3 ^ i + ^ j ) ms^-1 collides with another particle B of mass m2 which is at rest initially. Let → V1 and V2 be the velocities of particles A and B after collision respectively. If m1 = 2m2 and after collision V1 [...]
A particle moving in the xy plane experiences a velocity dependent force F→ = k(vyi^+vxj^), where vx and vy are the x and y components of its velocity V. If a is the acceleration of the particle, then which of the following statements is true for the particle?
A particle moving in the xy plane experiences a velocity dependent force F→ = k(vyi^+vxj^), where vx and vy are the x and y components of its velocity V. If a is the acceleration of the particle, then which of the following statements is true for the particle? A particle moving in the xy plane [...]
Two planets have masses M and 16M and their radii are a and 2a, respectively. The separation between the centres of the planets is 10a. A body of mass m is fired from the surface of the larger planet towards the smaller planet along the line joining their centres. For the body to be able to reach at the surface of smaller planet, the minimum firing speed needed is
Two planets have masses M and 16M and their radii are a and 2a, respectively. The separation between the centres of the planets is 10a. A body of mass m is fired from the surface of the larger planet towards the smaller planet along the line joining their centres. For the body to be able [...]
For a plane electromagnetic wave, the magnetic field at a point x and time t is B(x,t) = [1.2 x 10^-7 sin (0.5 x 10^3 x + 1.5 x 10^11 t ) ^ k ] T) The instantaneous electric field → E Corresponding to → B is (speed of light C =3 x 10^8 ms-1)
For a plane electromagnetic wave, the magnetic field at a point x and time t is B(x,t) = [1.2 x 10^-7 sin (0.5 x 10^3 x + 1.5 x 10^11 t ) ^ k ] T) The instantaneous electric field → E Corresponding to → B is (speed of light C =3 x 10^8 ms-1) [...]
Three rods of identical cross-section and lengths are made of three different materials of thermal conductivity K1, K2 and K3, respectively. They are joined together at their ends to make a long rod (see figure). One end of the long rod is maintained at 100°C and the other at 0°C (see figure). If the joints of the rod are at 70°C and 20°C in steady state and there is no loss of energy from the surface of the rod, the correct relationship between K1, K2 and K3 is
Three rods of identical cross-section and lengths are made of three different materials of thermal conductivity K1, K2 and K3, respectively. They are joined together at their ends to make a long rod (see figure). One end of the long rod is maintained at 100°C and the other at 0°C (see figure). If the joints [...]
A charged particle going around in a circle can be considered to be a current loop. A particle of mass m carrying charge q is moving in a plane with speed v under the influence of magnetic field B. The magnetic moment of this moving particle :
A charged particle going around in a circle can be considered to be a current loop. A particle of mass m carrying charge q is moving in a plane with speed v under the influence of magnetic field B. The magnetic moment of this moving particle : The correct match between the entries in table [...]
In the above figure shown, the current in the 10 V battery is close to
In the above figure shown, the current in the 10 V battery is close to In the above figure shown the current in the 10 V battery is close to September 19, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions , Practice Set 1 ,
A part of a complete circuit is shown in the figure. At some instant, the value of current I is 1 A and it is decreasing at a rate of 10^2 A s^–1. The value of the potential difference VP – VQ, (in volts) at that instant, is _________.
A part of a complete circuit is shown in the figure. At some instant, the value of current I is 1 A and it is decreasing at a rate of 10^2 A s^–1. The value of the potential difference VP – VQ, (in volts) at that instant, is _________. (in volts) at that instant A [...]