Practice Set 1
The dimension of B^2/2µ0, where B is magnetic field and µ0 is the magnetic permeability of vacuum, is:
The dimension of B^2/2µ0, where B is magnetic field and µ0 is the magnetic permeability of vacuum, is: is The dimension of B^2/2µ0 where B is magnetic field and µ0 is the magnetic permeability of vacuum September 23, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions , Practice Set 1 ,
Two ideal Carnot engines operate in cascade (all heat given up by one engine is used by the other engine to produce work) between temperatures, T1 and T2. The temperature of the hot reservoir of the first engine is T1 and the temperature of the cold reservoir of the second engine is T2. T is temperature of the sink of first engine which is also the source for the second engine. How is T related to T1 and T2, if both the engines perform equal amount of work ?
Two ideal Carnot engines operate in cascade (all heat given up by one engine is used by the other engine to produce work) between temperatures, T1 and T2. The temperature of the hot reservoir of the first engine is T1 and the temperature of the cold reservoir of the second engine is T2. T is [...]
In a building there are 15 bulbs of 45 W, 15 bulbs of 100 W, 15 small fans of 10 W and 2 heaters of 1 kW. The voltage of electric main is 220 V. The minimum fuse capacity (rated value) of the building will be:
In a building there are 15 bulbs of 45 W, 15 bulbs of 100 W, 15 small fans of 10 W and 2 heaters of 1 kW. The voltage of electric main is 220 V. The minimum fuse capacity (rated value) of the building will be: 15 bulbs of 100 W 15 small fans of [...]
An electron (of mass m) and a photon have the same energy E in the range of a few eV. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelength associated with the electron and the wavelength of the photon is (c = speed of light in vacuum)
An electron (of mass m) and a photon have the same energy E in the range of a few eV. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelength associated with the electron and the wavelength of the photon is (c = speed of light in vacuum) Which of the following gives a reversible operation? September 23, 2021 [...]
A stationary observer receives sound from two identical tuning forks, one of which approaches and the other one recedes with the same speed (much less than the speed of sound). The observer hears 2 beats/sec. The oscillation frequency of each tuning fork is v0 = 1400 Hz and the velocity of sound in air is 350 m/s. The speed of each tuning fork is close to
A stationary observer receives sound from two identical tuning forks, one of which approaches and the other one recedes with the same speed (much less than the speed of sound). The observer hears 2 beats/sec. The oscillation frequency of each tuning fork is v0 = 1400 Hz and the velocity of sound in air is [...]
An elevator in a building can carry a maximum of 10 persons, with the average mass of each person being 68 kg. The mass of the elevator itself is 920 kg and it moves with a constant speed 3 m/s. The frictional force opposing the motion is 6000 N. If the elevator is moving up with its full capacity, the power delivered by the motor to the elevator (g = 10 m/s^2) must be at least :
An elevator in a building can carry a maximum of 10 persons, with the average mass of each person being 68 kg. The mass of the elevator itself is 920 kg and it moves with a constant speed 3 m/s. The frictional force opposing the motion is 6000 N. If the elevator is moving up [...]
In the figure, potential difference between A and B is
In the figure, potential difference between A and B is In the figure potential difference between A and B is September 23, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions , Practice Set 1 ,
The figure gives experimentally measured B vs. H variation in a ferromagnetic material. The retentivity, coercivity and saturation, respectively, of the material are:
The figure gives experimentally measured B vs. H variation in a ferromagnetic material. The retentivity, coercivity and saturation, respectively, of the material are: coercivity and saturation of the material are: respectively The figure gives experimentally measured B vs. H variation in a ferromagnetic material. The retentivity September 19, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved [...]
A box weighs 196 N on a spring balance at the north pole. Its weight recorded on the same balance if it is shifted to the equator is close to (Take g = 10 ms^–2 at the north pole and the radius of the earth = 6400 km):
A box weighs 196 N on a spring balance at the north pole. Its weight recorded on the same balance if it is shifted to the equator is close to (Take g = 10 ms^–2 at the north pole and the radius of the earth = 6400 km): The correct match between the entries in [...]
A mass of 10 kg is suspended by a rope of length 4 m, from the ceiling. A force F is applied horizontally at the mid-point of the rope such that the top half of the rope makes an angle of 45° with the vertical. Then F equals: (Take g = 10 ms^–2 and the rope to be massless)
A mass of 10 kg is suspended by a rope of length 4 m, from the ceiling. A force F is applied horizontally at the mid-point of the rope such that the top half of the rope makes an angle of 45° with the vertical. Then F equals: (Take g = 10 ms^–2 and the [...]