Practice Set 1
The balancing length for a cell is 560 cm in a potentiometer experiment. When an external resistance of 10 ohm is connected in parallel to the cell the balancing length changes by 60 cm. If the internal resistance of the cell is N/10 ohms, where N is an integer, then value of N is ……..
The balancing length for a cell is 560 cm in a potentiometer experiment. When an external resistance of 10 ohm is connected in parallel to the cell the balancing length changes by 60 cm. If the internal resistance of the cell is N/10 ohms, where N is an integer, then value of N is …….. [...]
A 60 pF capacitor is fully charged by a 20 V supply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected to another uncharged 60 pF capacitor is parallel. The electrostatic energy that is lost in this process by the time the charge is redistributed between them is (in nJ) ____.
A 60 pF capacitor is fully charged by a 20 V supply. It is then disconnected from the supply and is connected to another uncharged 60 pF capacitor is parallel. The electrostatic energy that is lost in this process by the time the charge is redistributed between them is (in nJ) ____. Which of the [...]
An emf of 20 V is applied at time t = 0 to a circuit containing in series 10 mH inductor and 5 Ω resistor. The ratio of the currents at time t = ∞ and at t = 40 s is close to : (Take e^2 = 7.389)
An emf of 20 V is applied at time t = 0 to a circuit containing in series 10 mH inductor and 5 Ω resistor. The ratio of the currents at time t = ∞ and at t = 40 s is close to : (Take e^2 = 7.389) An emf of 20 V is [...]
An ideal fluid flows (laminar flow) through a pipe of non-uniform diameter. The maximum and minimum diameters of the pipes are 6.4 cm and 4.8 cm, respectively. The ratio of the minimum and the maximum velocities of fluid in this pipe is:
An ideal fluid flows (laminar flow) through a pipe of non-uniform diameter. The maximum and minimum diameters of the pipes are 6.4 cm and 4.8 cm, respectively. The ratio of the minimum and the maximum velocities of fluid in this pipe is: An ideal fluid flows (laminar flow) through a pipe of non-uniform diameter. The [...]
The activity of a radioactive sample falls from 700 s^–1 to 500 s^–1 in 30 minutes. Its half life is close to :
The activity of a radioactive sample falls from 700 s^–1 to 500 s^–1 in 30 minutes. Its half life is close to : The activity of a radioactive sample falls from 700 s^–1 to 500 s^–1 in 30 minutes. Its half life is close to : September 23, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved [...]
A particle of mass m and charge q has an initial velocity vector v = v0j. If an electric field vector E = E0i and magnetic field vector B = B0i act on the particle, its speed will double after a time:
A particle of mass m and charge q has an initial velocity vector v = v0j. If an electric field vector E = E0i and magnetic field vector B = B0i act on the particle, its speed will double after a time: A particle of mass m and charge q has an initial velocity vector [...]
A planar loop of wire rotates in a uniform magnetic field. Initially, at t = 0, the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field. If it rotates with a period of 10 s about an axis in its plane then the magnitude of induced emf will be maximum and minimum, respectively at
A planar loop of wire rotates in a uniform magnetic field. Initially, at t = 0, the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field. If it rotates with a period of 10 s about an axis in its plane then the magnitude of induced emf will be maximum and minimum, respectively at [...]
Under an adiabatic process, the volume of an ideal gas gets doubled. Consequently the mean collision time between the gas molecule changes from τ1 to τ2. If CP/CV = γ for this gas then a good estimate for τ2/τ1 is given by
Under an adiabatic process, the volume of an ideal gas gets doubled. Consequently the mean collision time between the gas molecule changes from τ1 to τ2. If CP/CV = γ for this gas then a good estimate for τ2/τ1 is given by the volume of an ideal gas gets doubled. Consequently the mean collision time [...]
Mass per unit area of a circular disc of radius a depends on the distance r from its centre as σ (r) = A + Br. The moment of inertia of the disc about the the axis, perpendicular to the plane and passing through its centre is
Mass per unit area of a circular disc of radius a depends on the distance r from its centre as σ (r) = A + Br. The moment of inertia of the disc about the the axis, perpendicular to the plane and passing through its centre is Mass per unit area of a circular disc [...]
In a Young’s double slit experiment, the separation between the slits is 0.15 mm. In the experiment, a source of light of wavelength 589 nm is used and the interference pattern is observed on a screen kept 1.5 m away. The separation between the successive bright fringes on the screen is:
In a Young’s double slit experiment, the separation between the slits is 0.15 mm. In the experiment, a source of light of wavelength 589 nm is used and the interference pattern is observed on a screen kept 1.5 m away. The separation between the successive bright fringes on the screen is: a source of light [...]