Practice Set 1
At time t = 0 magnetic field of 1000 Gauss is passing perpendicularly through the area defined by the closed loop shown in the figure. If the magnetic field reduces linearly to 500 Gauss, in the next 5s, then induced EMF in the loop is :
At time t = 0 magnetic field of 1000 Gauss is passing perpendicularly through the area defined by the closed loop shown in the figure. If the magnetic field reduces linearly to 500 Gauss, in the next 5s, then induced EMF in the loop is : At time t = 0 magnetic field of 1000 [...]
Three charged particle A, B and C with charges –4q, 2q and –2q are present on the circumference of a circle of radius d. the charged particles A, C and centre O of the circle formed an equilateral triangle as shown in figure. Electric field at O along x-direction is
Three charged particle A, B and C with charges –4q, 2q and –2q are present on the circumference of a circle of radius d. the charged particles A, C and centre O of the circle formed an equilateral triangle as shown in figure. Electric field at O along x-direction is 2q and –2q are present [...]
Consider a solid sphere of radius R and mass density ρ(r) = ρ0(1 – (r^2/R^2)), 0 < r ≤ R. The minimum density of a liquid in which it will float is :
Consider a solid sphere of radius R and mass density ρ(r) = ρ0(1 – (r^2/R^2)), 0
A thermodynamic cycle xyzx is shown on a V-T diagram. The P-V diagram that best describes this cycle is : (Diagrams are schematic and not to scale)
A thermodynamic cycle xyzx is shown on a V-T diagram. The P-V diagram that best describes this cycle is : (Diagrams are schematic and not to scale) A thermodynamic cycle xyzx is shown on a V-T diagram. The P-V diagram that best describes this cycle is : (Diagrams are schematic and not to scale) September [...]
A particle of mass m is fixed to one end of a light spring having force constant k and unstretched length l. The other end is fixed. The system is given an angular speed ω about the fixed end of the spring such that it rotates in a circle in gravity free space. Then the stretch in the spring is :
A particle of mass m is fixed to one end of a light spring having force constant k and unstretched length l. The other end is fixed. The system is given an angular speed ω about the fixed end of the spring such that it rotates in a circle in gravity free space. Then the [...]
Consider two solid spheres of radii R1 = 1m, R2 = 2m and masses M1 and M2, respectively. The gravitational field due to sphere (1) and (2) are shown. The value of M1/M2 is :
Consider two solid spheres of radii R1 = 1m, R2 = 2m and masses M1 and M2, respectively. The gravitational field due to sphere (1) and (2) are shown. The value of M1/M2 is : Consider two solid spheres of radii R1 = 1m R2 = 2m and masses M1 and M2 respectively. The gravitational [...]
The plot that depicts the behavior of the mean free time t (time between two successive collisions) for the molecules of an ideal gas, as a function of temperature (T), qualitatively, is: (Graphs are schematic and not drawn to scale)
The plot that depicts the behavior of the mean free time t (time between two successive collisions) for the molecules of an ideal gas, as a function of temperature (T), qualitatively, is: (Graphs are schematic and not drawn to scale) as a function of temperature (T) is: (Graphs are schematic and not drawn to scale) [...]
The magnifying power of a telescope with tube 60 cm is 5. What is the focal length of its eye piece ?
The magnifying power of a telescope with tube 60 cm is 5. What is the focal length of its eye piece ? The magnifying power of a telescope with tube 60 cm is 5. What is the focal length of its eye piece ? September 23, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions [...]
A leak proof cylinder of length 1m, made of a metal which has very low coefficient of expansion is floating vertically in water at 0°C such that its height above the water surface is 20 cm. When the temperature of water is increased to 4°C, the height of the cylinder above the water surface becomes 21 cm. The density of water at T = 4°C, relative to the density at T = 0°C is close to :
A leak proof cylinder of length 1m, made of a metal which has very low coefficient of expansion is floating vertically in water at 0°C such that its height above the water surface is 20 cm. When the temperature of water is increased to 4°C, the height of the cylinder above the water surface becomes [...]
M grams of steam at 100°C is mixed with 200 g of ice at its melting point in a thermally insulated container. If it produces liquid water at 40°C [heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/ g and heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g], the value of M is______.
M grams of steam at 100°C is mixed with 200 g of ice at its melting point in a thermally insulated container. If it produces liquid water at 40°C [heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/ g and heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g], the value of M is______. Which of the [...]