Practice Set 1
Four identical particles of equal masses 1kg made to move along the circumference of a circle of radius 1 m under the action of their own mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle will be :
Four identical particles of equal masses 1kg made to move along the circumference of a circle of radius 1 m under the action of their own mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle will be : The current i in the network is September 23, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions [...]
In the given figure, the energy levels of hydrogen atom have been shown along with some transitions marked A, B, C, D and E. The transitions A, B and C respectively represent
In the given figure, the energy levels of hydrogen atom have been shown along with some transitions marked A, B, C, D and E. The transitions A, B and C respectively represent B B and C respectively represent C D and E. The transitions A In the given figure the energy levels of hydrogen atom [...]
If Y, K and h are the values of Young’s modulus, bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity of any material respectively. Choose the correct relation for these parameters.
If Y, K and h are the values of Young’s modulus, bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity of any material respectively. Choose the correct relation for these parameters. bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity of any material respectively. Choose the correct relation for these parameters. If Y K and h are the values of Young's [...]
In the given figure, a mass M is attached to a horizontal spring which is fixed on one side to a rigid support. The spring constant of the spring is k. The mass oscillates on a friction less surface with time period T and amplitude A. When the mass is in equilibrium position, as shown in the figure, another mass m is gently fixed upon it. The new amplitude of oscillation will be :
In the given figure, a mass M is attached to a horizontal spring which is fixed on one side to a rigid support. The spring constant of the spring is k. The mass oscillates on a friction less surface with time period T and amplitude A. When the mass is in equilibrium position, as shown [...]
Given below are two statements : Statement-I : Two photons having equal linear momenta have equal wavelengths. Statement-II : If the wavelength of photon is decreased, then the momentum and energy of a photon will also decrease. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Given below are two statements : Statement-I : Two photons having equal linear momenta have equal wavelengths. Statement-II : If the wavelength of photon is decreased, then the momentum and energy of a photon will also decrease. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below. choose the [...]
choose the correct answer from the options given below. ,
Given below are two statements : Statement-I : Two photons having equal linear momenta have equal wavelengths. Statement-II : If the wavelength of photon is decreased ,
then the momentum and energy of a photon will also decrease. In the light of the above statements ,
Moment of inertia (M.I.) of four bodies, having same mass and radius, are reported as ; I1 = M.I. of thin circular ring about its diameter. I2 = M.I. of circular disc about an axis perpendicular to the disc and going through the centre, I3 = M.I. of solid cylinder about its axis and I4 = M.I. of solid sphere about its diameter. Then :
Moment of inertia (M.I.) of four bodies, having same mass and radius, are reported as ; I1 = M.I. of thin circular ring about its diameter. I2 = M.I. of circular disc about an axis perpendicular to the disc and going through the centre, I3 = M.I. of solid cylinder about its axis and I4 [...]
are reported as ; I1 = M.I. of thin circular ring about its diameter. I2 = M.I. of circular disc about an axis perpendicular to the disc and going through the centre ,
having same mass and radius ,
I3 = M.I. of solid cylinder about its axis and I4 = M.I. of solid sphere about its diameter. Then : ,
Moment of inertia (M.I.) of four bodies ,
A current through a wire depends on time as i = α0t + βt^2 where α0 = 20A/s and β = 8As^−2. Find the charge crossed through a section of the wire in 15s.
A current through a wire depends on time as i = α0t + βt^2 where α0 = 20A/s and β = 8As^−2. Find the charge crossed through a section of the wire in 15s. A current through a wire depends on time as i = α0t + βt^2 where α0 = 20A/s and β = [...]
In a Young’s double slit experiment, the width of the one of the slit is three times the other slit. The amplitude of the light coming from a slit is proportional to the slit width. Find the ratio of the maximum to the minimum intensity in the interference pattern.
In a Young’s double slit experiment, the width of the one of the slit is three times the other slit. The amplitude of the light coming from a slit is proportional to the slit width. Find the ratio of the maximum to the minimum intensity in the interference pattern. In a Young's double slit experiment [...]
Two stars of masses m and 2m at a distance d rotate about their common centre of mass in free space. The period of revolution is :
Two stars of masses m and 2m at a distance d rotate about their common centre of mass in free space. The period of revolution is : Two stars of masses m and 2m at a distance d rotate about their common centre of mass in free space. The period of revolution is : September [...]
The focal length f is related to the radius of curvature r of the spherical convex mirror by:
The focal length f is related to the radius of curvature r of the spherical convex mirror by: The focal length f is related to the radius of curvature r of the spherical convex mirror by: September 23, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions , Practice Set 1 ,