Practice Set 1
A diatomic gas, having Cp = 7/2 R and Cv = 5/2 R, is heated at constant pressure. The ratio dU : dQ : dW :
A diatomic gas, having Cp = 7/2 R and Cv = 5/2 R, is heated at constant pressure. The ratio dU : dQ : dW : A diatomic gas having Cp = 7/2 R and Cv = 5/2 R is heated at constant pressure. The ratio dU : dQ : dW : September 26, 2021 [...]
An α particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 200 V. After this, their de Broglie wavelengths are λ p and λ α respectively. The ratio λp/λα is :
An α particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 200 V. After this, their de Broglie wavelengths are λ p and λ α respectively. The ratio λp/λα is : An α particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 200 V. After this their [...]
A 5V battery is connected across the points X and Y. Assume D1 and D2 to be normal silicon diodes. Find the current supplied by the battery if the +ve terminal of the battery is connected to point X.
A 5V battery is connected across the points X and Y. Assume D1 and D2 to be normal silicon diodes. Find the current supplied by the battery if the +ve terminal of the battery is connected to point X. A 5V battery is connected across the points X and Y. Assume D1 and D2 to [...]
The pitch of the screw gauge is 1mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular scale. When nothing is put in between the jaws, the zero of the circular scale lies 8 divisions below the reference line. When a wire is placed between the jaws, the first linear scale division is clearly visible while 72nd division on circular scale coincides with the reference line. The radius of the wire is
The pitch of the screw gauge is 1mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular scale. When nothing is put in between the jaws, the zero of the circular scale lies 8 divisions below the reference line. When a wire is placed between the jaws, the first linear scale division is clearly visible while [...]
the first linear scale division is clearly visible while 72nd division on circular scale coincides with the reference line. The radius of the wire is ,
The pitch of the screw gauge is 1mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular scale. When nothing is put in between the jaws ,
the zero of the circular scale lies 8 divisions below the reference line. When a wire is placed between the jaws ,
If the time period of a two meter long simple pendulum is 2s, the acceleration due to gravity at the place where pendulum is executing S.H.M. is :
If the time period of a two meter long simple pendulum is 2s, the acceleration due to gravity at the place where pendulum is executing S.H.M. is : If the time period of a two meter long simple pendulum is 2s the acceleration due to gravity at the place where pendulum is executing S.H.M. is [...]
Given below are two statement : Statement-I: A speech signal of 2 kHz is used to modulate a carrier signal of 1 MHz. The band width requirement for the signal is 4 kHz. Statement-II : The side band frequencies are 1002 kHz. and 998 kHz. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Given below are two statement : Statement-I: A speech signal of 2 kHz is used to modulate a carrier signal of 1 MHz. The band width requirement for the signal is 4 kHz. Statement-II : The side band frequencies are 1002 kHz. and 998 kHz. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct [...]
A proton, a deuteron and an a particle are moving with same momentum in a uniform magnetic field. The ratio of magnetic forces acting on them is ____ and their speed is ____ in the ratio.
A proton, a deuteron and an a particle are moving with same momentum in a uniform magnetic field. The ratio of magnetic forces acting on them is ____ and their speed is ____ in the ratio. a deuteron and an a particle are moving with same momentum in a uniform magnetic field. The ratio of [...]
Two satellites A and B of masses 200 kg and 400 kg are revolving round the earth at height of 600 km and 1600 km respectively. If TA and TB are the time periods of A and B respectively then the value of TB – TA : [Given : radius of earth = 6400 km, mass of earth = 6 × 10^24 kg]
Two satellites A and B of masses 200 kg and 400 kg are revolving round the earth at height of 600 km and 1600 km respectively. If TA and TB are the time periods of A and B respectively then the value of TB – TA : [Given : radius of earth = 6400 km, [...]
The angular frequency of alternating current in a L-C-R circuit is 100 rad/s. The components connected are shown in the figure. Find the value of inductance of the coil and capacity of condenser.
The angular frequency of alternating current in a L-C-R circuit is 100 rad/s. The components connected are shown in the figure. Find the value of inductance of the coil and capacity of condenser. The angular frequency of alternating current in a L-C-R circuit is 100 rad/s. The components connected are shown in the figure. Find [...]
A student is performing the experiment of resonance column. The diameter of the column tube is 6 cm. The frequency of the tuning fork is 504 Hz. Speed of the sound at the given temperature is 336 m/s. The zero of the meter scale coincides with the top end of the resonance column tube. The reading of the water level in the column when the first resonance occurs is:
A student is performing the experiment of resonance column. The diameter of the column tube is 6 cm. The frequency of the tuning fork is 504 Hz. Speed of the sound at the given temperature is 336 m/s. The zero of the meter scale coincides with the top end of the resonance column tube. The [...]