Practice Set 1
One main scale division of a vernier callipers is ‘a’ cm and nth division of the vernier scale coincide with (n – 1)^th division of the main scale. The least count of the callipers in mm is :
One main scale division of a vernier callipers is ‘a’ cm and nth division of the vernier scale coincide with (n – 1)^th division of the main scale. The least count of the callipers in mm is : One main scale division of a vernier callipers is 'a' cm and nth division of the vernier [...]
The zener diode has a Vz = 30 V. The current passing through the diode for the following circuit is ……… mA.
The zener diode has a Vz = 30 V. The current passing through the diode for the following circuit is ……… mA. The zener diode has a Vz = 30 V. The current passing through the diode for the following circuit is ......... mA. September 28, 2021 Category: JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions [...]
1 mole of rigid diatomic gas performs a work of Q/5 when heat Q is supplied to it. The molar heat capacity of the gas during this transformation is xR/8, The value of x is ……….. [K = universal gas constant]
1 mole of rigid diatomic gas performs a work of Q/5 when heat Q is supplied to it. The molar heat capacity of the gas during this transformation is xR/8, The value of x is ……….. [K = universal gas constant] 1 mole of rigid diatomic gas performs a work of Q/5 when heat Q [...]
In the reported figure of earth, the value of acceleration due to gravity is same at point A and C but it is smaller than that of its value at point B (surface of the earth). The value of OA : AB will be x : y. The value of x is ……….
In the reported figure of earth, the value of acceleration due to gravity is same at point A and C but it is smaller than that of its value at point B (surface of the earth). The value of OA : AB will be x : y. The value of x is ………. Draw the [...]
Time period of a simple pendulum is T. The time taken to complete 5/8 oscillations starting from mean position is (α/β)T. The value of α is ………
Time period of a simple pendulum is T. The time taken to complete 5/8 oscillations starting from mean position is (α/β)T. The value of α is ……… Time period of a simple pendulum is T. The time taken to complete 5/8 oscillations starting from mean position is (α/β)T. The value of α is ......... September [...]
27 similar drops of mercury are maintained at 10 V each. All these spherical drops combine into a single big drop. The potential energy of the bigger drop is ………… times that of a smaller drop.
27 similar drops of mercury are maintained at 10 V each. All these spherical drops combine into a single big drop. The potential energy of the bigger drop is ………… times that of a smaller drop. 27 similar drops of mercury are maintained at 10 V each. All these spherical drops combine into a single [...]
A particle executes S.H.M. with amplitude ‘a’ and time period V. The displacement of the particle when its speed √ xa/2 is half of maximum speed is. The value of x is …………
A particle executes S.H.M. with amplitude ‘a’ and time period V. The displacement of the particle when its speed √ xa/2 is half of maximum speed is. The value of x is ………… A particle executes S.H.M. with amplitude 'a' and time period V. The displacement of the particle when its speed √ xa/2 is [...]
A point source of light S, placed at a distance 60 cm in front of the centre of a plane mirror of width 50 cm, hangs vertically on a wall. A man walks in front of the mirror along a line parallel to the mirror at a distance 1.2 m from it (see in the figure). The distance between the extreme points where he can see the image of the light source in the mirror is ………. cm.
A point source of light S, placed at a distance 60 cm in front of the centre of a plane mirror of width 50 cm, hangs vertically on a wall. A man walks in front of the mirror along a line parallel to the mirror at a distance 1.2 m from it (see in the [...]
Two stream of photons, possessing energies equal to twice and ten times the work function of metal are incident on the metal surface successively. The value of ratio of maximum velocities of the photoelectrons emitted in the two respective cases is x : y. The value of x is ……………
Two stream of photons, possessing energies equal to twice and ten times the work function of metal are incident on the metal surface successively. The value of ratio of maximum velocities of the photoelectrons emitted in the two respective cases is x : y. The value of x is …………… Draw the output signal Y [...]
If the highest frequency modulating a carrier is 5 kHz, then the number of AM broadcast stations accommodated in a 90 kHz bandwidth are ……..
If the highest frequency modulating a carrier is 5 kHz, then the number of AM broadcast stations accommodated in a 90 kHz bandwidth are …….. If the highest frequency modulating a carrier is 5 kHz then the number of AM broadcast stations accommodated in a 90 kHz bandwidth are ........ September 28, 2021 Category: JEE [...]