JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions
Planck’s constant h, speed of light c and gravitational constant G are used to form a unit of length L and unit of mass M .Then , the correct options is/are
Planck’s constant h, speed of light c and gravitational constant G are used to form a unit of length L and unit of mass M .Then , the correct options is/are Planck's constant h speed of light c and gravitational constant G are used to form a unit of length L and unit of mass [...]
In terms of potential digfference V, electric current I , permittivity E0 , permeability mew0 and speed of light c , the dimentionally correct equations is/are
In terms of potential digfference V, electric current I , permittivity E0 , permeability mew0 and speed of light c , the dimentionally correct equations is/are electric current I In terms of potential digfference V permeability mew0 and speed of light c permittivity e0 the dimentionally correct equations is/are February 10, 2021 Category: Chapter 5 [...]
A student uses a simple pendulum of exactly 1 m length to determine g, the acceleration due to gravity. He uses a stopwatch with the least count of 1 second for this and records 40 seconds for 20 oscillations. For this observation, which of the following statements is true?
A student uses a simple pendulum of exactly 1 m length to determine g, the acceleration due to gravity. He uses a stopwatch with the least count of 1 second for this and records 40 seconds for 20 oscillations. For this observation, which of the following statements is true? A student uses a simple pendulum [...]
The SI unit of the inductance , the henry can by written as (a) weber/ampere (b) volt-second/ampere (c)joule/(ampere)^2 (d) ohm-second
The SI unit of the inductance , the henry can by written as (a) weber/ampere (b) volt-second/ampere (c)joule/(ampere)^2 (d) ohm-second the henry can by written as (a) weber/ampere (b) volt-second/ampere (c)joule/(ampere)^2 (d) ohm-second The SI unit of the inductance February 10, 2021 Category: Chapter 5 - Rotational Motion , JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video [...]
Let [ε o ] denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity of the vacuum, and [μ o ] that of the permeability of the vacuum. If M=mass, L=length, T=time and I= electric current.
Let [ε o ] denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity of the vacuum, and [μ o ] that of the permeability of the vacuum. If M=mass, L=length, T=time and I= electric current. and [μ o ] that of the permeability of the vacuum. If M=mass L=length Let [ε o ] [...]
The pairs of physical quantities that have the same dimensions is (are) (a) Reynolds number and cofficient of friction (b) Curie and frequency of a light wave (c) Laten heat and gravitational potential (d) Planck ‘s constant and torque
The pairs of physical quantities that have the same dimensions is (are) (a) Reynolds number and cofficient of friction (b) Curie and frequency of a light wave (c) Laten heat and gravitational potential (d) Planck ‘s constant and torque The dimensions of the quantities in one ( or more ) of the following pairs are [...]
The dimensions of the quantities in one ( or more ) of the following pairs are the same . Identify the pair (s) (a) Torque and work ( b) Angular momentum and work
The dimensions of the quantities in one ( or more ) of the following pairs are the same . Identify the pair (s) (a) Torque and work ( b) Angular momentum and work The dimensions of the quantities in one ( or more ) of the following pairs are the same . Identify the pair [...]
L,C and R represent the physical quantities inductance , capacitance and resistance , respectively . The combinations which have the dimensions of frequancy are
L,C and R represent the physical quantities inductance , capacitance and resistance , respectively . The combinations which have the dimensions of frequancy are C and R represent the physical quantities inductance capacitance and resistance L respectively . The combinations which have the dimensions of frequancy are February 10, 2021 Category: Chapter 5 - Rotational [...]
Using screw guage of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions its circular scale, the thickness of an object is measured. It should correctly be recorded as
Using screw guage of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions its circular scale, the thickness of an object is measured. It should correctly be recorded as the thickness of an object is measured. It should correctly be recorded as Using screw guage of pitch 0.1 cm and 50 divisions its circular scale February 10, 2021 [...]
Two vectors A and B have equal magnitudes. If magnitude of A + B is equal to n times the magnitude of A – B, then the angle between A and B is
Two vectors A and B have equal magnitudes. If magnitude of A + B is equal to n times the magnitude of A – B, then the angle between A and B is then the angle between A and B is Two vectors A and B have equal magnitudes. If magnitude of A + B [...]