Chapter 6 – Gravitation
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions > Chapter 6 - Gravitation
A test particle is moving in a circular orbit in the gravitational field produced by a mass density ρ(r)= r/2K . Identify the correct relation between the radius R of the particle’s orbit and its period T.
A test particle is moving in a circular orbit in the gravitational field produced by a mass density ρ(r)= r/2K . Identify the correct relation between the radius R of the particle’s orbit and its period T. A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E [...]
A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E is the minimum energy delivered by the rocket launcher ,
A source of sound is approaching an observer with speed of 30ms and the observer is approaching the source with a speed 60 ms". Then the fractional change in the frequency of sound in air (330ms) is ,
A solid sphere of mass M and radius a is surrounded by a uniform concentric spherical shell of thickness 2a and mass 2M. The gravitational field at distance 3a from the centre will be:
A solid sphere of mass M and radius a is surrounded by a uniform concentric spherical shell of thickness 2a and mass 2M. The gravitational field at distance 3a from the centre will be: A solid sphere of mass M and radius a is surrounded by a uniform concentric spherical shell of thickness 2a and [...]
A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E is the minimum energy delivered by the rocket launcher, what should be the minimum energy that the launcher should have if the same rocket is to be launched from the surface of the moon ? Assume that the density of the earth and the moon are equal and that the earth’s volume is 64 times the volume of the moon :
A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E is the minimum energy delivered by the rocket launcher, what should be the minimum energy that the launcher should have if the same rocket is to be launched from the surface of the moon ? Assume that [...]
A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E is the minimum energy delivered by the rocket launcher ,
A source of sound is approaching an observer with speed of 30ms and the observer is approaching the source with a speed 60 ms". Then the fractional change in the frequency of sound in air (330ms) is ,
Four identical particles of mass M are located at the corners of a square of side a . What should be their speed if each of them revolves under the influence of other’s gravitational field in a circular orbit circumscribing the square?
Four identical particles of mass M are located at the corners of a square of side a . What should be their speed if each of them revolves under the influence of other’s gravitational field in a circular orbit circumscribing the square? A source of sound is approaching an observer with speed of 30ms and [...]