Chapter 1 – Electrostatics
In an hydrogen atom, the electron revolves around the nucleus in an orbit of radius 0.53×10^−10m. Then the electrical potential produced by the nucleus at the position of the electron is
In an hydrogen atom, the electron revolves around the nucleus in an orbit of radius 0.53×10^−10m. Then the electrical potential produced by the nucleus at the position of the electron is In an hydrogen atom the electron revolves around the nucleus in an orbit of radius 0.53×10^−10m. Then the electrical potential produced by the nucleus [...]
Four point charges −Q,−q,2q and 2Q are placed, one at each corner of the square. The relation between Q and q for which the potential at the centre of the square is zero is
Four point charges −Q,−q,2q and 2Q are placed, one at each corner of the square. The relation between Q and q for which the potential at the centre of the square is zero is −q 2q and 2Q are placed Four point charges −Q one at each corner of the square. The relation between Q [...]
Two positive charges of magnitude 4C and 6C are placed 10cm apart . The electric potential at a distance of 10cm from the middle point on the right bisector of the line, joining the two charges is
Two positive charges of magnitude 4C and 6C are placed 10cm apart . The electric potential at a distance of 10cm from the middle point on the right bisector of the line, joining the two charges is joining the two charges is Two positive charges of magnitude 4C and 6C are placed 10cm apart . [...]
Two charges 4×10^−8 C and −6×10^−8 C are at points A and B respectively ,50cm apart . The electrical potential due to them is zero on the line AB at a distance from A equal to
Two charges 4×10^−8 C and −6×10^−8 C are at points A and B respectively ,50cm apart . The electrical potential due to them is zero on the line AB at a distance from A equal to 50cm apart . The electrical potential due to them is zero on the line AB at a distance from [...]
Two large vertical and parallel metal plates having a separation of 1cm are connected to a DC voltage source of potential difference X. A proton is released at rest midway between the two plates. It is found to move at 45^∘ to the vertical just after release. Then X is nearly
Two large vertical and parallel metal plates having a separation of 1cm are connected to a DC voltage source of potential difference X. A proton is released at rest midway between the two plates. It is found to move at 45^∘ to the vertical just after release. Then X is nearly Three point charges are [...]
Two parallel metal plates having charge +Q and -Q face each other at a certain distance between them. If the plates are now dipped in kerosene oil tank, the electric field between the plates will
Two parallel metal plates having charge +Q and -Q face each other at a certain distance between them. If the plates are now dipped in kerosene oil tank, the electric field between the plates will the electric field between the plates will Two parallel metal plates having charge +Q and -Q face each other at [...]
A thin conducting ring of radius R is given a charge + Q. The electric field at the center O of the ring due to the charge on the part AKB of the ring is E. The electric field at the center due to the charge on the part ACDB of the ring is
A thin conducting ring of radius R is given a charge + Q. The electric field at the center O of the ring due to the charge on the part AKB of the ring is E. The electric field at the center due to the charge on the part ACDB of the ring is Three [...]
A cubical block of mass m containing a net positive charge q is placed on a smooth horizontal surface which terminates in a vertical wall, as shown in figure. The distance between the wall and the block is d. A horizontal electric field E directed toward the wall is suddenly switched on, assuming elastic collision the time period of the resulting collision is
A cubical block of mass m containing a net positive charge q is placed on a smooth horizontal surface which terminates in a vertical wall, as shown in figure. The distance between the wall and the block is d. A horizontal electric field E directed toward the wall is suddenly switched on, assuming elastic collision [...]
A cubical block of mass m containing a net positive charge q is placed on a smooth horizontal surface which terminates in a vertical wall ,
as shown in figure. The distance between the wall and the block is d. A horizontal electric field E directed toward the wall is suddenly switched on ,
assuming elastic collision the time period of the resulting collision is ,
A particle of mass m and charge q is thrown in the vertical direction with a velocity v0 in a uniform horizontal electric field E. Assuming the gravity force to be negligible ,the equation of the path followed by the particle will be
A particle of mass m and charge q is thrown in the vertical direction with a velocity v0 in a uniform horizontal electric field E. Assuming the gravity force to be negligible ,the equation of the path followed by the particle will be A particle of mass m and charge q is thrown in the [...]
A point charge q moves from point P to point S along the path PQRS In a uniform electric field E→ pointing parallel to the positive direction of the x-axis.. The coordinates of the points P, Q, R and S are (a, b,0); (2a,0,0),(a, -b, 0) and (0,0,0) respectively. The work done by the field in the above process is given by the expression
A point charge q moves from point P to point S along the path PQRS In a uniform electric field E→ pointing parallel to the positive direction of the x-axis.. The coordinates of the points P, Q, R and S are (a, b,0); (2a,0,0),(a, -b, 0) and (0,0,0) respectively. The work done by the field [...]
-q ,
0 ) ,
0) and (0 ,
0) respectively. The work done by the field in the above process is given by the expression ,
0); (2a ,
A point charge q moves from point P to point S along the path PQRS In a uniform electric field E→ pointing parallel to the positive direction of the x-axis.. The coordinates of the points P ,
A) ,
B ,
R and S are (a ,