Chapter 22 – Heat Transfer
Two spheres of radii in the ratio 1 : 2 and densities in the ratio 2 : 1 and of same specific heat, are heated to same temperature and left in the same surrounding. There rate of cooling will be in the ratio
Two spheres of radii in the ratio 1 : 2 and densities in the ratio 2 : 1 and of same specific heat, are heated to same temperature and left in the same surrounding. There rate of cooling will be in the ratio are heated to same temperature and left in the same surrounding. There [...]
Two bodies A and B having equal surface areas are maintained at temperatures 10 C and 20 C. The thermal radiation emitted in a given time by A and B are in the ratio
Two bodies A and B having equal surface areas are maintained at temperatures 10 C and 20 C. The thermal radiation emitted in a given time by A and B are in the ratio Two bodies A and B having equal surface areas are maintained at temperatures 10 C and 20 C. The thermal radiation [...]
Two spherical black bodies of radii r1 and r2 are with surface temperatures T1 and T2 respectively radiate the same power. r1 /r2 must be equal to
Two spherical black bodies of radii r1 and r2 are with surface temperatures T1 and T2 respectively radiate the same power. r1 /r2 must be equal to Two spherical black bodies of radii r1 and r2 are with surface temperatures T1 and T2 respectively radiate the same power. r1 /r2 must [...]
A spherical black body with a radius of 12cm radiates 450W power at 500K. If the radius were halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watts would be :
A spherical black body with a radius of 12cm radiates 450W power at 500K. If the radius were halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watts would be : A spherical black body with a radius of 12cm radiates 450W power at 500K. If the radius were halved and the temperature doubled the [...]
The thermal radiation emitted by a body is proportional to Tn where T is its absolute temperature. The value of n is exactly 4 for
The thermal radiation emitted by a body is proportional to Tn where T is its absolute temperature. The value of n is exactly 4 for The thermal radiation emitted by a body is proportional to Tn where T is its absolute temperature. The value of n is exactly 4 for September 10, 2021 Category: Cengage [...]
A 5 cm thick ice block is there on the surface of the water in a lake. The temperature of the air is –10°C; how much time it will take to double the thickness of the block ? (L=80cal/g, K=0.004Erg/s−k, d=0.92gcm^–3 )
A 5 cm thick ice block is there on the surface of the water in a lake. The temperature of the air is –10°C; how much time it will take to double the thickness of the block ? (L=80cal/g, K=0.004Erg/s−k, d=0.92gcm^–3 ) A 5 cm thick ice block is there on the surface of the [...]
Water in a lake is changing into ice at 0 C when the atmospheric temperature is 10 C. If the time taken for 1 cm thick ice layer to be formed is 7 hours, the time required for the thickness of ice to increase from 1 cm to 2 cm is
Water in a lake is changing into ice at 0 C when the atmospheric temperature is 10 C. If the time taken for 1 cm thick ice layer to be formed is 7 hours, the time required for the thickness of ice to increase from 1 cm to 2 cm is the time required for [...]
Temperature of water at the surface of lake is -20 c. Then temperature of water just below the lower surface of ice layer is
Temperature of water at the surface of lake is -20 c. Then temperature of water just below the lower surface of ice layer is Temperature of water at the surface of lake is -20 c. Then temperature of water just below the lower surface of ice layer is September 10, 2021 Category: Cengage NEET by [...]
If the ratio of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of silver and copper is 10:9, then the ratio of the lengths up to which was will melt in Ingen Hauz experiment will be
If the ratio of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of silver and copper is 10:9, then the ratio of the lengths up to which was will melt in Ingen Hauz experiment will be If the ratio of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of silver and copper is 10:9 then the ratio of the lengths up [...]
A blackbody does not (i) emit radiation
A blackbody does not (i) emit radiation A blackbody does not (i) emit radiation September 10, 2021 Category: Cengage NEET by C.P Singh , Chapter 22 - Heat Transfer , Part 1 ,