Chapter 17 – Sound Waves
A spherical source of power 4 W and frequency 800 Hz is emitting sound waves. The intensity of waves at a distance 200 m is
A spherical source of power 4 W and frequency 800 Hz is emitting sound waves. The intensity of waves at a distance 200 m is A spherical source of power 4 W and frequency 800 Hz is emitting sound waves. The intensity of waves at a distance 200 m is September 14, 2020 Category: Cengage [...]
If the amplitude of a wave at a distance r from a point source is A, the amplitude at a distance 2r will be
If the amplitude of a wave at a distance r from a point source is A, the amplitude at a distance 2r will be If the amplitude of a wave at a distance r from a point source is A the amplitude at a distance 2r will be September 14, 2020 Category: Cengage NEET by [...]
If the displacement amplitude of sound is doubled and the frequency reduced to one-fourth, the intensity will become
If the displacement amplitude of sound is doubled and the frequency reduced to one-fourth, the intensity will become If the displacement amplitude of sound is doubled and the frequency reduced to one-fourth the intensity will become September 14, 2020 Category: Cengage NEET by C.P Singh , Chapter 17 - Sound Waves , Part 1 ,
The intensity of a plane progressive wave of frequency 1000 Hz is 10^−10 Wm^−2. Given that the speed of sound is 330 m/s and density of air is 1.293 kg/m^3 . Then the maximum change in pressure in N/m^2 is
The intensity of a plane progressive wave of frequency 1000 Hz is 10^−10 Wm^−2. Given that the speed of sound is 330 m/s and density of air is 1.293 kg/m^3 . Then the maximum change in pressure in N/m^2 is The temperature at which speed of sound in air becomes double its value at 0 [...]
Two sound waves move in the same direction in the same medium. The pressure amplitudes of the waves are equal but the wavelength of the first wave is double the second. Let the average power transmitted across a cross section by the first wave be P1 and that by the second wave be P2.
Two sound waves move in the same direction in the same medium. The pressure amplitudes of the waves are equal but the wavelength of the first wave is double the second. Let the average power transmitted across a cross section by the first wave be P1 and that by the second wave be P2. The [...]
A point source emits sound equally in all directions in a non-absorbing medium. Two point P and Q are at distance of 9 m and 25 m respectively from the source. The ratio of the amplitude of the waves at P and Q is :
A point source emits sound equally in all directions in a non-absorbing medium. Two point P and Q are at distance of 9 m and 25 m respectively from the source. The ratio of the amplitude of the waves at P and Q is : The temperature at which speed of sound in air becomes [...]
An electrically maintained tuning fork vibrates with constant frequency and constant amplitude. If the temperature of the surrounding air increases but pressure remains constant, the sound produced will have
An electrically maintained tuning fork vibrates with constant frequency and constant amplitude. If the temperature of the surrounding air increases but pressure remains constant, the sound produced will have An electrically maintained tuning fork vibrates with constant frequency and constant amplitude. If the temperature of the surrounding air increases but pressure remains constant the sound [...]
The extension in a string, obeying Hooke’s law, is x. The speed of sound in the stretched string is v. If the extension in the string is increase to 1.5 x, the speed of sound will be:
The extension in a string, obeying Hooke’s law, is x. The speed of sound in the stretched string is v. If the extension in the string is increase to 1.5 x, the speed of sound will be: is x. The speed of sound in the stretched string is v. If the extension in the string [...]
The speed of sound waves having a frequency of 256 Hz compared with the speed of sound waves having a frequency of 512 Hz is :
The speed of sound waves having a frequency of 256 Hz compared with the speed of sound waves having a frequency of 512 Hz is : The speed of sound waves having a frequency of 256 Hz compared with the speed of sound waves having a frequency of 512 Hz is : September 14, 2020 [...]
A stone is dropped into a well. If the depth of water below the top be h and velocity of sound is v then the splash in water is heard after T sec. Then:
A stone is dropped into a well. If the depth of water below the top be h and velocity of sound is v then the splash in water is heard after T sec. Then: A stone is dropped into a well. If the depth of water below the top be h and velocity of sound [...]