Chapter 19 – Electric Resistance and Simple Circuits
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma > Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple Circuits
What is the charge stored on each capacitor C1 and C2 in the circuit shown in figure?
What is the charge stored on each capacitor C1 and C2 in the circuit shown in figure? What is the charge stored on each capacitor C1 and C2 in the circuit shown in figure? December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma , Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple [...]
In the question 42, if the switch is opened after the capacitor has been charged, it will discharge with a time constant
In the question 42, if the switch is opened after the capacitor has been charged, it will discharge with a time constant if the switch is opened after the capacitor has been charged In the question 42 it will discharge with a time constant December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma [...]
In the circuit shown in fig. when the switch is closed, the capacitor charges with a time constant.
In the circuit shown in fig. when the switch is closed, the capacitor charges with a time constant. In the circuit shown in fig. when the switch is closed the capacitor charges with a time constant December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma , Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple [...]
The equivalent resistance between points A and B in the figure at steady state will be
The equivalent resistance between points A and B in the figure at steady state will be The equivalent resistance between points A and B in the figure at steady state will be December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma , Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple Circuits ,
Current through the battery at the instance when the switch S is closed is.
Current through the battery at the instance when the switch S is closed is. Current through the battery at the instance when the switch S is closed is. December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma , Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple Circuits ,
A capacitor C is connected to the two equal resistances as shown in fig. What is the ratio of the time constant during charging and discharging of the capacitance?
A capacitor C is connected to the two equal resistances as shown in fig. What is the ratio of the time constant during charging and discharging of the capacitance? A capacitor C is connected to the two equal resistances as shown in fig. What is the ratio of the time constant during charging and discharging [...]
When the switch is closed, then the initial current through 1Ω resistor is (see Figure)
When the switch is closed, then the initial current through 1Ω resistor is (see Figure) then the initial current through 1Ω resistor is (see Figure) when the switch is closed. December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma , Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple Circuits ,
A capacitor is discharged through a resistance. The stored energy U0 in one capacitive time constant falls to
A capacitor is discharged through a resistance. The stored energy U0 in one capacitive time constant falls to A capacitor is discharged through a resistance. The stored energy U0 in one capacitive time constant falls to December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma , Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple [...]
In the given circuit, with steady current, the potential drop across the capacitor must be:
In the given circuit, with steady current, the potential drop across the capacitor must be: In the given circuit the potential drop across the capacitor must be: with steady current December 6, 2020 Category: Cengage JEE Mains Physics by B.M Sharma , Chapter 19 - Electric Resistance and Simple Circuits ,
For a cell, a graph is plotted between the potential difference V across the terminals of the cell and the current I drawn the cell. The emf and the internal resistance of the cell are E and r, respectively. Then
For a cell, a graph is plotted between the potential difference V across the terminals of the cell and the current I drawn the cell. The emf and the internal resistance of the cell are E and r, respectively. Then a graph is plotted between the potential difference V across the terminals of the cell [...]