Chapter 3 – Current Electricity
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > Arihant Physics by D.C Pandey > Volume 2 > Chapter 3 - Current Electricity
Two batteries with e.m.f. 12V and 13V are connected in parallel across a load resistor of 10Ω. The internal resistance of the two batteries are 1Ω and 2Ω respectively. The voltage across the load lies between.
Two batteries with e.m.f. 12V and 13V are connected in parallel across a load resistor of 10Ω. The internal resistance of the two batteries are 1Ω and 2Ω respectively. The voltage across the load lies between. A carbon resistance has a following color code. What is the value of the resistance ? December 5, 2020 [...]
A galvanometer, whose resistance is 50ohm, has 25 division in it. When a current of 4×10^−4 A passes through it, is its needle (pointer) deflects by one division. To use this galvanometer as a voltmeter of range 2.5V, it should be connected to a resistance of:
A galvanometer, whose resistance is 50ohm, has 25 division in it. When a current of 4×10^−4 A passes through it, is its needle (pointer) deflects by one division. To use this galvanometer as a voltmeter of range 2.5V, it should be connected to a resistance of: A galvanometer has 25 division in it. When a [...]
In the given circuit diagram, the currents, I1 = −0.3A, I4 = 0.8A and I5 = 0.4A are flowing as shown. The currents I2, I3 and I6 respectively, are:
In the given circuit diagram, the currents, I1 = −0.3A, I4 = 0.8A and I5 = 0.4A are flowing as shown. The currents I2, I3 and I6 respectively, are: are I1 = −0.3A I3 and I6 respectively I4 = 0.8A and I5 = 0.4A are flowing as shown. The currents I2 In the given circuit [...]
An ideal battery of 4V and resistance R are connected in series in the primary circuit of a potentiometer of length 1m and resistance 5Ω. The value of R, to given a potential difference of 5mV across 10cm of potentiometer wire is:
An ideal battery of 4V and resistance R are connected in series in the primary circuit of a potentiometer of length 1m and resistance 5Ω. The value of R, to given a potential difference of 5mV across 10cm of potentiometer wire is: An ideal battery of 4V and resistance R are connected in series in [...]
Two electric bulbs rated at 25 W, 220 V and 100 W, 220 V are connected in series across a 220 V voltage source. If the 25 W and 100 W bulbs now draw powers P1 and P2 respectively, then
Two electric bulbs rated at 25 W, 220 V and 100 W, 220 V are connected in series across a 220 V voltage source. If the 25 W and 100 W bulbs now draw powers P1 and P2 respectively, then 220 V and 100 W 220 V are connected in series across a 220 V [...]
The galvanometer deflection , when key K1 is closed but K2 is open equals θ0 (see figure ) On closing k2 also and adjusting R2 to 5Ω , the deflection in galvanometer becomes θ0/5. The resistance of the galvanometer is then , given by [Neglect the internal resistance of battery]:
The galvanometer deflection , when key K1 is closed but K2 is open equals θ0 (see figure ) On closing k2 also and adjusting R2 to 5Ω , the deflection in galvanometer becomes θ0/5. The resistance of the galvanometer is then , given by [Neglect the internal resistance of battery]: given by [Neglect the internal [...]
In the circuit shown, the potential difference between A and B is
In the circuit shown, the potential difference between A and B is In the circuit shown The potential difference between A and B is December 5, 2020 Category: Arihant Physics by D.C Pandey , Chapter 3 - Current Electricity , Volume 2 ,
In the experimental set up of metre bridge shown in the figure, the null point is obtained at a distance of 40cm from A. If a 10Ω resistor is connected in series with R1, the null point shifts by 10cm. The resistance that should be connected in parallel with (R1 + 10)Ω such that the null point shifts back to its initial position is?
In the experimental set up of metre bridge shown in the figure, the null point is obtained at a distance of 40cm from A. If a 10Ω resistor is connected in series with R1, the null point shifts by 10cm. The resistance that should be connected in parallel with (R1 + 10)Ω such that the [...]
In the experimental set up of metre bridge shown in the figure ,
the null point is obtained at a distance of 40cm from A. If a 10Ω resistor is connected in series with R1 ,
the null point shifts by 10cm. The resistance that should be connected in parallel with (R1 + 10)Ω such that the null point shifts back to its initial position is? ,
A galvanometer having a resistance of 20Ω and 30 divisible on both sides has figure of merit 0.005 ampere/division. The resistance that should be connected in series such that it can be used as a voltmeter up to 15 volt, is :
A galvanometer having a resistance of 20Ω and 30 divisible on both sides has figure of merit 0.005 ampere/division. The resistance that should be connected in series such that it can be used as a voltmeter up to 15 volt, is : A carbon resistance has a following color code. What is the value of [...]
In a Wheatstone bridge (see fig.), Resistances P and Q are approximately equal. When R=400Ω, the bridge is equal. When R=400Ω,the bridge is balanced. On inter-changing P and Q, the value of R, for balance, is 405 Ω. The value of X is close to :
In a Wheatstone bridge (see fig.), Resistances P and Q are approximately equal. When R=400Ω, the bridge is equal. When R=400Ω,the bridge is balanced. On inter-changing P and Q, the value of R, for balance, is 405 Ω. The value of X is close to : for balance In a Wheatstone bridge (see fig.) is [...]