Arihant Physics by D.C Pandey
A transverse wave y=0.05sin(20πx−50πt) meters , is propagating along + ve X – axis on a string light insect starts crawling on the string with velocity of 5 cm /s at t= 0 along the +ve X – axis from point where x = 5 cm . After 5 s the difference in phase of its position is equal to
A transverse wave y=0.05sin(20πx−50πt) meters , is propagating along + ve X – axis on a string light insect starts crawling on the string with velocity of 5 cm /s at t= 0 along the +ve X – axis from point where x = 5 cm . After 5 s the difference in phase of [...]
When a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 512 Hz is held above the mouth of a resonance tube of adjustable length. The first two successive positions of resonance occur when the length of the air columns are 15.4 cm and 48.6 cm respectively. Then the velocity of sound is
When a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 512 Hz is held above the mouth of a resonance tube of adjustable length. The first two successive positions of resonance occur when the length of the air columns are 15.4 cm and 48.6 cm respectively. Then the velocity of sound is The resultant amplitude due to superposition [...]
In a medium in which a transverse progressive wave is travelling the phase difference between two points with a distance of separation of1.25 cm is 3/π . If the frequency of the wave is 1000Hz, its velocity will be
In a medium in which a transverse progressive wave is travelling the phase difference between two points with a distance of separation of1.25 cm is 3/π . If the frequency of the wave is 1000Hz, its velocity will be In a medium in which a transverse progressive wave is travelling the phase difference between two [...]
Two waves represented by y1 =10 sin (200πt) and y2 =10 sin (2000πt + π/2) are superimposed at any point at a particular instant. The amplitude of the resultant wave is
Two waves represented by y1 =10 sin (200πt) and y2 =10 sin (2000πt + π/2) are superimposed at any point at a particular instant. The amplitude of the resultant wave is Two waves represented by y1 =10 sin (200πt) and y2 =10 sin (2000πt + π/2) are superimposed at any point at a particular instant. [...]
The resultant amplitude due to superposition of two harmonic waves expressed by y = a sin (wt – kt) and y = a cos (kx – wt ) will be
The resultant amplitude due to superposition of two harmonic waves expressed by y = a sin (wt – kt) and y = a cos (kx – wt ) will be The resultant amplitude due to superposition of two harmonic waves expressed by y = a sin (wt - kt) and y = a cos (kx [...]
A wave of frequency 100 Hz is sent along a string towards a fixed end. When this wave travels back after reflection, a node is formed at a distance of 10 cm from the fixed end of the string. The speeds of incident(and reflected) waves are
A wave of frequency 100 Hz is sent along a string towards a fixed end. When this wave travels back after reflection, a node is formed at a distance of 10 cm from the fixed end of the string. The speeds of incident(and reflected) waves are a node is formed at a distance of 10 [...]
The intensity of sound wave gets reduced by 20% on passing through a slab. The reduction in intensity on passing through two consecutive slabs is
The intensity of sound wave gets reduced by 20% on passing through a slab. The reduction in intensity on passing through two consecutive slabs is The intensity of sound wave gets reduced by 20% on passing through a slab. The reduction in intensity on passing through two consecutive slabs is November 6, 2020 Category: Arihant [...]
A sound source emits sound waves in a uniform medium. If energy density is E and maximum speed of the particles of the medium is vmax . The plot between E and vmax is best represented by :
A sound source emits sound waves in a uniform medium. If energy density is E and maximum speed of the particles of the medium is vmax . The plot between E and vmax is best represented by : A sound source emits sound waves in a uniform medium. If energy density is E and maximum [...]
The correct graph between the frequency n and square root of density (ρ) of a wire, keeping its length, radius and tension constant, is
The correct graph between the frequency n and square root of density (ρ) of a wire, keeping its length, radius and tension constant, is is keeping its length radius and tension constant The correct graph between the frequency n and square root of density (ρ) of a wire November 6, 2020 Category: Arihant Physics by [...]
Figure shows the wave y=Asin(ω−kx). What is the magnitude of slope of the curve at B?
Figure shows the wave y=Asin(ω−kx). What is the magnitude of slope of the curve at B? Figure shows the wave y=Asin(ω−kx). What is the magnitude of slope of the curve at B? November 6, 2020 Category: Arihant Physics by D.C Pandey , Chapter 16 - Waves , Volume 1 ,