Chapter 28 – Electromagnetic Waves
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions > Physics > Chapter 28 - Electromagnetic Waves
Assertion: When a white light is passed through a lens, violet light is more refracted than red light. Reason: Focal length for red light is greater than violet.
Assertion: When a white light is passed through a lens, violet light is more refracted than red light. Reason: Focal length for red light is greater than violet. Assertion: When a white light is passed through a lens violet light is more refracted than red light. Reason: Focal length for red light is greater than [...]
Assertion: When white light fall on the compact disc, multicolours are seen after reflection. Reason: CD disc behaves like a prism.
Assertion: When white light fall on the compact disc, multicolours are seen after reflection. Reason: CD disc behaves like a prism. Assertion: When white light fall on the compact disc multicolours are seen after reflection. Reason: CD disc behaves like a prism. November 13, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics [...]
Assertion : If objective and eye lenses of a microscope are interchanged then it can work as telescope. Reason : The objective of telescope has small focal length.
Assertion : If objective and eye lenses of a microscope are interchanged then it can work as telescope. Reason : The objective of telescope has small focal length. Assertion : If objective and eye lenses of a microscope are interchanged then it can work as telescope. Reason : The objective of telescope has small focal [...]
Assertion : A total reflecting prism is used to erect the inverted image without deviation. Reason: Rays of light incident parallel to base of prism emerge out as parallel rays.
Assertion : A total reflecting prism is used to erect the inverted image without deviation. Reason: Rays of light incident parallel to base of prism emerge out as parallel rays. Assertion : A total reflecting prism is used to erect the inverted image without deviation. Reason: Rays of light incident parallel to base of prism [...]
Assertion: A red coloured object appears dark in the yellow light. Reason : The red colour is scattered less.
Assertion: A red coloured object appears dark in the yellow light. Reason : The red colour is scattered less. Assertion: A red coloured object appears dark in the yellow light. Reason : The red colour is scattered less. November 13, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions [...]
Assertion : A double convex lens (μ = 1.5) has focal length 10 cm. When the lens is immersed in water (μ = 4/3), its focal length becomes 77 cm. Reason : 1/f = (μv − μm/μm)(1/R1−1/R2)
Assertion : A double convex lens (μ = 1.5) has focal length 10 cm. When the lens is immersed in water (μ = 4/3), its focal length becomes 77 cm. Reason : 1/f = (μv − μm/μm)(1/R1−1/R2) Assertion : A double convex lens (μ = 1.5) has focal length 10 cm. When the lens is [...]
Assertion: If a convex lens is kept in water its convergent power decreases. Reason: Focal length of convex lens in water increases.
Assertion: If a convex lens is kept in water its convergent power decreases. Reason: Focal length of convex lens in water increases. Assertion: If a convex lens is kept in water its convergent power decreases. Reason: Focal length of convex lens in water increases. November 13, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - [...]
Assertion : For the sensitivity of a camera, its aperture should be reduced. Reason : Smaller the aperture, larger is its power.
Assertion : For the sensitivity of a camera, its aperture should be reduced. Reason : Smaller the aperture, larger is its power. Assertion : For the sensitivity of a camera its aperture should be reduced. Reason : Smaller the aperture larger is its power. November 13, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - [...]
Assertion : Endoscopy involves use of optical fibres to study internal organs. Reason : Optical fibres are based on phenomenon of total internal reflection.
Assertion : Endoscopy involves use of optical fibres to study internal organs. Reason : Optical fibres are based on phenomenon of total internal reflection. Assertion : Endoscopy involves use of optical fibres to study internal organs. Reason : Optical fibres are based on phenomenon of total internal reflection. November 13, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 [...]
Assertion: The frequencies of incident, reflected and refracted beam of monochromatic light incident from one medium to another are same. Reason: The incident, reflected and refracted rays are coplanar.
Assertion: The frequencies of incident, reflected and refracted beam of monochromatic light incident from one medium to another are same. Reason: The incident, reflected and refracted rays are coplanar. Assertion: The frequencies of incident reflected and refracted beam of monochromatic light incident from one medium to another are same. Reason: The incident reflected and refracted [...]