Chapter 20 – Electric Field and Potential
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions > Physics > Chapter 20 - Electric Field and Potential
Three identical charges are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The force experienced by each charge. (if k = 1/4πε0) is
Three identical charges are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The force experienced by each charge. (if k = 1/4πε0) is Three identical charges are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The force experienced by each charge. (if k = 1/4πε0) is December 5, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved [...]
The electric field due to a uniformly charged non-conducting sphere of radius R as a function of the distance from its centre is represented graphically by :
The electric field due to a uniformly charged non-conducting sphere of radius R as a function of the distance from its centre is represented graphically by : The electric field due to a uniformly charged non-conducting sphere of radius R as a function of the distance from its centre is represented graphically by : December [...]
A uniformly charged non conducting disc with surface charge density 10nC/m^2 having radius 3cm. Then find the magnitude of electric field at a point on the perpendicular bisector at a distance 2cm from origin of the disc.
A uniformly charged non conducting disc with surface charge density 10nC/m^2 having radius 3cm. Then find the magnitude of electric field at a point on the perpendicular bisector at a distance 2cm from origin of the disc. A charged hollow sphere does not produce an electric field at any November 30, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last [...]
A long solid non-conducting cylinder of radius R is charged such that the volume charge density is proportional to r where r is the distance from axis. The electric field E at a distance r (r < R) will depend on r as
A long solid non-conducting cylinder of radius R is charged such that the volume charge density is proportional to r where r is the distance from axis. The electric field E at a distance r (r < R) will depend on r as A charged hollow sphere does not produce an electric field at any [...]
An early model for an atom considered it to have a positively charged point nucleas of charge Ze, surrounded by a unifrom density of negative charge upto a radius R. The atom as a whole is neutral. For this model, What is the electric field at a distance r from the nucleas ?
An early model for an atom considered it to have a positively charged point nucleas of charge Ze, surrounded by a unifrom density of negative charge upto a radius R. The atom as a whole is neutral. For this model, What is the electric field at a distance r from the nucleas ? An early [...]
In a certain region of space, electric field is along the z-direction throughout. The magnitude of electric field is, however, not constant but increases uniformly along the positive z-direction, at the rate of 10^5NC^−1 m−1per metre. What are the force and torque experienced by a system having a total dipole moment equal to 10^−7Cm in the negative z-direction ?
In a certain region of space, electric field is along the z-direction throughout. The magnitude of electric field is, however, not constant but increases uniformly along the positive z-direction, at the rate of 10^5NC^−1 m−1per metre. What are the force and torque experienced by a system having a total dipole moment equal to 10^−7Cm in [...]
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AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions
Chapter 20 - Electric Field and Potential
at the rate of 10^5NC^−1 m−1per metre. What are the force and torque experienced by a system having a total dipole moment equal to 10^−7Cm in the negative z-direction ? ,
electric field is along the z-direction throughout. The magnitude of electric field is ,
however ,
In a certain region of space ,
not constant but increases uniformly along the positive z-direction ,
Two charged spheres separated by a distance ‘d’ exert some force on each other. If they are immersed in a liquid of dielectric constant 2, then what is the force exerted, if all other conditions are same?
Two charged spheres separated by a distance ‘d’ exert some force on each other. If they are immersed in a liquid of dielectric constant 2, then what is the force exerted, if all other conditions are same? if all other conditions are same? then what is the force exerted Two charged spheres separated by a [...]
A metallic solid sphere is placed in a uniform electric field. The lines of force following the path(s) showing in the figure.
A metallic solid sphere is placed in a uniform electric field. The lines of force following the path(s) showing in the figure. A metallic solid sphere is placed in a uniform electric field. The lines of force following the path(s) showing in the figure. November 30, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - [...]
Electric field at a distance r form infinitely long conducting sheet is proportional to
Electric field at a distance r form infinitely long conducting sheet is proportional to Electric field at a distance r form infinitely long conducting sheet is proportional to November 30, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions , Chapter 20 - Electric Field and Potential , Physics [...]
An electron projected with velocity v=v0i∧ in the electric field E=E0j^. Trace the path followed by the electron E0.
An electron projected with velocity v=v0i∧ in the electric field E=E0j^. Trace the path followed by the electron E0. An electron projected with velocity v=v0i∧ in the electric field E=E0j^. Trace the path followed by the electron E0. November 30, 2020 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions [...]