Chapter 19 – KTG
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions > Physics > Chapter 19 - KTG
A closed vessel explodes at 15 atm pressure. If temperature of the vessel is 300 K at 10 atm pressure then find at what temperature will vessel explodes
A closed vessel explodes at 15 atm pressure. If temperature of the vessel is 300 K at 10 atm pressure then find at what temperature will vessel explodes A closed vessel explodes at 15 atm pressure. If temperature of the vessel is 300 K at 10 atm pressure then find at what temperature will vessel [...]
1mole of H2 gas is contained in a box of volume V = 1.00 m^3 at T = 300 K. The gas is heated to a temperature of T = 3000 K and the gas gets converted to a gas of hydrogen atoms. The final pressure would be (considering all gases to be ideal)
1mole of H2 gas is contained in a box of volume V = 1.00 m^3 at T = 300 K. The gas is heated to a temperature of T = 3000 K and the gas gets converted to a gas of hydrogen atoms. The final pressure would be (considering all gases to be ideal) Graph [...]
3 mole of hydrogen is mixed with 1 mole of neon. The molar specific heat at constant pressure is
3 mole of hydrogen is mixed with 1 mole of neon. The molar specific heat at constant pressure is 3 mole of hydrogen is mixed with 1 mole of neon. The molar specific heat at constant pressure is September 5, 2021 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions [...]
The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume are denoted by CP and CV, respectively. If γ=CP/CV and R is the universal gas constant, then CV is equal to :
The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume are denoted by CP and CV, respectively. If γ=CP/CV and R is the universal gas constant, then CV is equal to : respectively. If γ=CP/CV and R is the universal gas constant The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant [...]
Graph of specific heat at constant volume for a monoatomic gas is :
Graph of specific heat at constant volume for a monoatomic gas is : Graph of specific heat at constant volume for a monoatomic gas is : September 5, 2021 Category: AIIMS Last 24 Years Solved 1996 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions , Chapter 19 - KTG , Physics ,
A gas mixture contains one mole O2 gas and one mole He gas. Find the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume of the gaseous mixture.
A gas mixture contains one mole O2 gas and one mole He gas. Find the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume of the gaseous mixture. A gas mixture contains one mole O2 gas and one mole He gas. Find the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that [...]
In a cylinder their are 60 g Ne and 64 g O^2 . If pressure of mixture of gases in cylinder is 30 bar then in this cylinder partial pressure (in bar) of O2 is
In a cylinder their are 60 g Ne and 64 g O^2 . If pressure of mixture of gases in cylinder is 30 bar then in this cylinder partial pressure (in bar) of O2 is In a cylinder their are 60 g Ne and 64 g O^2 . If pressure of mixture of [...]
Two balloons are filled, one with pure he gas and other with air respectively. If the pressure and temperature of these balloons are same, then the number of molecules per unit volume is
Two balloons are filled, one with pure he gas and other with air respectively. If the pressure and temperature of these balloons are same, then the number of molecules per unit volume is one with pure he gas and other with air respectively. If the pressure and temperature of these balloons are same then the [...]
A certain gas is taken to the five states represented by dots in the graph. The plotted lines are isotherms. Order of the most probable speed vp of the molecules at these five states is
A certain gas is taken to the five states represented by dots in the graph. The plotted lines are isotherms. Order of the most probable speed vp of the molecules at these five states is A certain gas is taken to the five states represented by dots in the graph. The plotted lines are isotherms. [...]
vrms, vav and vmp are root mean square, average and most probable speeds of molecules of a gas obeying Maxwellian velocity distribution. Which of the following statements is correct?
vrms, vav and vmp are root mean square, average and most probable speeds of molecules of a gas obeying Maxwellian velocity distribution. Which of the following statements is correct? average and most probable speeds of molecules of a gas obeying Maxwellian velocity distribution. Which of the following statements is correct? vav and vmp are root [...]